Sunday, August 26, 2007

Raise your voice....

After reading blogs referring to “female counterparts” we decided to make some points very clear. Let us start with this whole gf-bf business. Many of the boys have a girlfriend and those who do not have one, roam about pretending that they don’t need them, as they waste time, money etc etc. But it is a fact that every boy is in search of his dream girl and are ready to try their luck on every beautiful girl who passes by. Correct?..... If you do not agree, then let us know, why most of their conversation revolves around girls, a fact which is conspicuous from what they write. We never ever thought that we’ll have to write on this topic, but we had to….to answer certain questions…

If a girl even talks properly with a guy, he will start thinking that she likes him and will tell his friends that she is interested in him (“line maar rai hai”) and if not he then his friends will definitely link him to her.

We wonder, is this the general mentality in India or just the case here that, if people see a girl and a boy together they will definitely consider that they are bf-gf as if no other relationship exists between the two genders. Some guys do not even respect the very pious relationship of brother and sister.
Humour for them always involves girls. We cant understand why don’t they find some other topic, even we can do the same but we never…
We just want to ask you
• Why do you only think about the gender to which the person belongs?
• Why cant you consider him/her as a human being as u r?
• Why are there two groups, boys vs girls?
• Why dont we work together for betterment of our college and our nation?
And the why continues……………

We are often told to ignore guys, when they pass dirty comments or scribble obscene stuff on the desks or something similar but How can we?
We are NOT concerned with what guys do within themselves but we condemn it when it is thrown at our face…We have some dignity, please respect it……. and you should.
It really hurts when u find people saying something which u never expected .Imagine how it feels when a person whom u considered a friend is also one of the lot.

We are not here for some “NAARI MUKTI MISSION” or “a war between girls and boys”, we just want to remind them of their relationship with their mother, sister, girlfriend or friend and just want to make an appeal that they should respect these relationships.